» » New positions! 01/04/2018

New positions! 01/04/2018

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There are new positions on our website!

  1. Cryx Withershadow Combine
  2. Cryx Scrap Thrall
  3. C’Tan
  4. Kranon the Relentless Dark Vengeance
  5. The Chimera
  6. Sophet Drahas The King Of Ashes
  7. Mounted Standard-bearer
  8. Demon Tower
  9. Mandigorn
  10. The Warriors of Stone
  11. Master of Carnage 1
  12. Kyrus the Somber
  13. Akaranseth
  14. Varghar
  15. The Coryphaeus
  16. Spectre of Acheron
  17. Alderan, Crane Warrior
  18. Ejhin De Vanth

All photos were made by blackmarketminiatures team.