» » Update 27/08/2021!

Update 27/08/2021!

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Hurry to see! 

We have surpassed ourselves again and present to your attention 206! new positions. We would go to the Guinness Book of Records, but they won’t take us there). Our team expresses its gratitude to our partners, without whom this result could not have been achieved. Thank you for your patience and faith in our work!

To be honest, this was the first trial update of this scale for us. Working with him was quite difficult and not as fast as we would like. But we managed it. We are working daily to improve the quality and speed of our work and you can see the results right now. Once we made 10-15 new products a month. Now about 100. Naturally, the miniature is different from the miniature. Several months are spent on some miniatures. She has a huge number of technical operations and several specialists are involved in the work. For example, we are currently working on restoring the Beinblade of the early Forgeworld era. This is very entertaining and interesting, but not fast. In the next update, you will necessarilyget acquainted with it(and many other goodies). We are also glad to inform you that after the next update, we are ready to accept miniatures of our partners again in the usual mode. And now let’s move on to this update! In it you will find incredible rarities, such as Piranha Tau of the first edition of Forgeworld. It was released only in 2014 and then migrated to the Games Workshop line. We restored it, and at the same time modified this miniature and made rotary sponsons. Here you will find Azdrubael Vect with his retinue, a lot of limited and discontinued miniatures, a huge collection of old Necromunda, Space Wolves, characters from Inquisitor 54mm, Praetorians, Tallarns and much, much, much more!!!

So, let’s start…

1 Aegis Defence Line
2 Antor Delassio, Flesh Tearer Assault Marine Sergeant (Kill Team Cassius)
3 Asdrubael Vect
4 Assault Intercessors (Paint Set Exclusive Miniatures)
5 Belisarius Cawl
6 Blood Angels Death Company 2004
7 Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest
8 Blood Angels Upgrade Pack
9 Blood Bowl Dark Elf Cheerleader
10 Blood Bowl Elf Cheerleader
11 Blood Bowl Elf Cheerleader #2
12 Brother-Sergeant Victorno (Space Marine Heroes 2)
13 Carab Culln, Red Scorpion Terminator Captain
14 Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion
15 Chaos Space Marine Death Guard Champion #2 1997
16 Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer with Force Staff and Plasma Pistol
17 Chronomancer
18 Classic Valhallan Sergeant #1
19 Classic Valhallan Sergeant #2
20 Cryptek
21 Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus (Dark Vengeance Limited Edition)
22 Dark Angels Upgrade Pack
23 Dark Eldar Helion #1 1999
24 Dark Eldar Raider 1999
25 Dark Eldar Scourges x2 2000
26 Dark Eldars Slaves
27 Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress
28 Death Guard Typhus – Herald of the Plague God 2020
29 Drenn Redblade, Space Wolves Blood Claw (Kill Team Cassius)
30 Eldar Craftworlds Spiritseer (Wake the Dead)
31 Eldar Herlequins Death Jester
32 Eldar Striking Scorpions 1993
33 Eldrad Ultran
34 Empire Flagellants x6 2004
35 Ennox Sorrlock, Iron Hands Sternguard Veteran (Kill Team Cassius)
36 Epidemius
37 Escher Heavy with Heavy Stubber
38 Escher Juve with Autopistol
39 Escher Juve with Autopistol and Club
40 Escher Juve with Stub Gun
41 Escher Juve with Stub Gun and Pick
42 Escher with Autogun
43 Escher with Autogun and Stub Gun
44 Escher with AutoPistol and Chainsword
45 Escher with Bolt Pistol and Grenade
46 Escher with Lasgun #2
47 Escher with Laspistol and Flail
48 Escher with Plasma Pistol and Club
49 Escher with Shotgun
50 Escher with Two Sword
51 Eversor Assassin (Inquisitor 54 mm)
52 Excelsior Warpriest (Warhammer Quest Silver Tower)
53 Forge World Tau Piranha Light Scimmer 2004 (Very Very Rare)
54 Forgeworld Mars Alpha Pattern Leman Russ Conversion Kit
55 Forgeworld Tallarn Equipment Pack (Very Rare)
56 Garran Branatar, Salamander Terminator (Kill Team Cassius)
57 Gnoblar Trappers Set x5 2008
58 Gotrek Gurnisson 2019
59 Grave Guard Command Blister 2004
60 Guardian Drone x2 (Blackstone Fortress)
61 Hexmark Destroyer
62 Horticulous Slimux without Mulch
63 Hunt Team Leader Lucretia Bravus (Inquisitor 54 mm)
64 Illuminor Szeras 2020
65 Imperial Fists Legion Phalanx Warder Squad Upgrade Set
66 Imperial Guard Valhallan Conversion Pack (Inquisitor 54 mm)
67 Imperial Guard Webbing Pack (Inquisitor 54 mm)
68 Iron Hands Legion MKIII Squad
69 Jensus Natorian, Blood Ravens Codicer Librarian (Kill Team Cassius)
70 Jetek Suberei, White Scars Biker Sergeant (Kill Team Cassius)
71 Kal Jerico (Inquisitor 54 mm)
72 Kamoteph the Crooked (Commemorative Series)
73 Krashrak the Stalker (Inquisitor 54 mm)
74 Legion MKIV Despoiler Squad
75 Lelith Hesperax, Wych Lord 2000
76 Lizardmen Jungle Swarm (Alternative)
77 Lord of Nurgle on Steed
78 Major Jackson (Inquisitor 54 mm)
79 Mk IV Dreadnought Plasma Cannon (Right Arm)
80 Navis Nobilitai (Inquisitor 54 mm)
81 Navy Bodyguard (Inquisitor 54 mm)
82 Neave Blacktalon Knight-Zephyros
83 Necromunda Brakar – The Avenger, He That Rains Death
84 Necromunda Ratskin Weapon Set (Alternative)
85 Nurgle Chaos Lord/Lord of Plagues
86 Nurgle Rotbringers Sorcerer
87 Ork Supa Kannon
88 Ortan Cassius, Ultramarines Chaplain (Kill Team Cassius)
89 Plaguebearers of Nurgle Musician 2010
90 Plaguebearers of Nurgle Standard Bearer 2010
91 Plaguebearers of Nurgle x6 2008
92 Plasmancer (Indomitus)
93 Praetorian Heavy Bolter Team
94 Praetorian LasCannon Team
95 Praetorian Mortar Team
96 Praetorian Squad
97 Praetorian with Flamer
98 Praetorian with Grenade Launcher
99 Praetorian with Melta-Gun
100 Primaris Aggressors
101 Primaris Librarian
102 Primaris Lieutenant with Power Sword (Wake the Dead)
103 Primaris Space Marine Lieutenant Amulius (Adepticon Exclusive 2019)
104 Primaris Space Marine Sergeant Jovan (Store Anniversary Exclusives 2019)
105 Ratskin Brave #1 2005
106 Ratskin Brave #3 2005
107 Ratskin Brave with Handbow 1997
108 Ratskin Brave with Musket #1 1997
109 Ratskin Brave with Stubgun 1997
110 Ratskin Chief #1 1997
111 Ratskin Chief #1 2005
112 Ratskin Chief #2 1997
113 Ratskin Chief #3 2005
114 Ratskin Shaman #1 1997
115 Ratskin Warrior #1 2005
116 Ratskin Warrior #2 2005
117 Ratskin Warrior #4 2005
118 Ratskin Warrior #6 2005
119 Ratskin with Autogun #2 1997
120 Ratskin with Autogun and Pick 1997
121 Ratskin with Lasgun #3 1997
122 Ratskin with Musket 1997
123 Repentia (Inquisitor 54 mm)
124 Rodricus Grytt, Imperial Fists Devastator (Kill Team Cassius)
125 Sand Channel
126 Seraphon Skink Starpriest
127 Sgt Dorian Black (Inquisitor 54 mm)
128 Shard of C’tan Deceiver
129 Sisters of Battle Shrine
130 Skaven Slave Drummer 2000
131 Skulltaker 2010
132 Solar Auxilia Flamer Section
133 Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section
134 Space Marine Assault Arm Set 1999 #1
135 Space Marine Bike Extras
136 Space Marine Captain (Company Command)
137 Space Marine Captain (Games Day 2008 Limited Edition)
138 Space Marine Chaplain on Bike 1999
139 Space Marine Deathwatch Upgrade Frame
140 Space Marine Devastators Team x4 1995
141 Space Marine Lexicanum #2 1995
142 Space Marine MkIII Weapons 1990 (Ultra Rare)
143 Space Marine Scout with Shotgun #1 1997
144 Space Marine Sergeant (Assault on Black Reach)
145 Space Marine Sergeant with Power Fist & Bolter (Web Exclusive 2008)
146 Space Marine Techmarine 1996
147 Space Marine Terminator with Assault Cannon 1997
148 Space Marine Terminator with Heavy Flamer 1997
149 Space Marine Terminator with Lighting Claws 1989
150 Space Marine Veteran Sergeant #4 with Auxiliary Grenade Launcher 1997
151 Space Marine Veteran Sergeant with Bionic Eye 1998
152 Space Marine Veteran Sergeant with Power Axe 1999
153 Space Marine Veteran with Chainsword 2006
154 Space Marine Veteran with Power Mace 2006
155 Space Marine with Plasma Gun #2 1991
156 Space Marines Assault Squad 1997
157 Space Marines Assault Squad Sergeant #1 1997
158 Space Marines Assault Squad Sergeant #2 1997
159 Space Marines Primaris Apothecary
160 Space Marines Primaris Captain
161 Space Marines Sternguard Veteran with Boltgun #1 2009
162 Space Marines Sternguard Veteran with Boltgun #2 2009
163 Space Marines Sternguard Veteran with Power Fist 2009
164 Space Wolf Scout #1 1999 (Very Rare)
165 Space Wolf Scout #2 1999 (Very Rare)
166 Space Wolf Scout #3 1999 (Very Rare)
167 Space Wolf Scout with Plasma Gun 1999 (Very Rare)
168 Space Wolves Blood Claws 1997
169 Space Wolves Blood Claws Sergeant 1997
170 Space Wolves Grey Hunters 1993
171 Space Wolves Grey Hunters Sergeant 1993
172 Space Wolves Long Fangs Sergeant 1995
173 Space Wolves Long Fangs 1995
174 Space Wolves Njal Stormcaller in Terminator Armour 2004
175 Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader Haldor Icepelt (Tooth and Claw)
176 Space Wolves Primaris Upgrades
177 Space Wolves Runepriest Njal Stormcaller 1994 
178 Space Wolves Ulrik the Slayer, Wolf Priest 1994
179 Space Wolves Upgrade Pack
180 Space Wolves Wolf Guard #1 1993
181 Space Wolves Wolf Guard #2 with Standart 1993
182 Space Wolves Wolf Guard #3 1993
183 Space Wolves Wolf Guard #4 1993
184 Sylas Beastbane (Commemorative Series)
185 Tallarn Desert Raider with Grenade Launcher
186 Tallarn Heavy Bolter Team
187 Tallarn LasCannon Team
188 Tau Air Caste Ground Crew (Limited Edition 2017)
189 Teleport Homer&Servo Scull (Kill Team Cassius)
190 Tyranid Gargoyles x3 2004
191 Tyranid Hive Tyrant with Barbed Strangler 1995
192 Tyranid Hormagaunts 1995
193 Ultramarines Captain Uriel Ventris (Black Library Celebration 2021)
194 Ultramarines Upgrade Pack
195 Undead Wight #2 1993
196 Valhallan AutoCannon Team
197 Valhallan Heavy Bolter Team
198 Valhallan Ice Warriors Set #2 x4
199 Valhallan LasCannon Team
200 Watch Captain Artemis
201 White Scars Bike Squad Upgrade Pack
202 White Scars Commander Upgrade Pack
203 Wight Army Standard Bearer
204 Witch Hunter Crusader #2
205 Witch Hunters Arco-Flagellants x2
206 Zameon Gydrael, Company Champion (Kill Team Cassius)

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